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What is the significance of 420 and what does it have to do with the sign of Taurus and Marijuana? The answer to the above question is more obvious than it may seem. As Cannabis lovers everywhere celebrated 420 the popular and rapidly growing holy herb highliday I was intuitively downloading the astrological significance of why that particular day was unknowingly yet synchronistically chosen. There will always be a cosmic indicator for events on earth wether you observe it or not. An energetic gathering such as a holiday, celebration or ritual will certainly register on the cosmic calendar. It didn't take long before I intuited the obvious connection between 420 and the rebirth of the sun in Taurus. The Taurus traits most people are familiar with are relaxed, hungry, content, heightened senses and slow motion. Anyone who has experienced the effects of Cannabis knows that it brings out the same qualities including their undesirable counterparts lazy, overindulgent, complacent and unmotivated. The Taurus bull loves grass which is a common term for the medicinal herb Cannabis. In addition to the pronounced enhancement of the qualities of Taurus there are medicinal, psychoactive and spiritual effects that exhibit the nature of Pisces. This is because Venus the ruling planet of Taurus is exalted in the sign of Pisces. These characteristics as well as the worry free, imaginative, music enhancing and meditation inducing effects are prime examples of the energy of Venus in Pisces. Marijuana is a Venusian herb that when burned like the friction from rubbing a genie lamp will turn on the pineal lights bulb that illuminates the mind and heightens the intuitive awareness while thinning the veil between the spiritual self and the material self. Venus represents the material energy that is grounded in the physical while Pisces is made of the imaginative substance of which dreams are comprised. This is why marijuana use brings the mind outside of material awareness which is unsettling for some who believe that reality is limited to what can be perceived by their basic physical senses. This brings the possessive individualistic bull out of his familiar pasture to discover the universe is his field of dreams. It is in this state of consciousness where he discovers the grass is greener on the other side and the other side is beyond the world of physical sensory perception. The 12th house which is like the Pisces house of any sign indicates the energy that is suppressed or operates as a hidden subconscious motivation. This is easily seen by the use of Cannabis to calm anger and hostility when the grass(Taurus) is burned(aries) as Aries is the 12th house of Taurus. Aries which represents the individual identity is lost in the 12th house which is why mind altering substances bring one outside of their personal identity for better or worse as you become less consciously controlling of the energy flowing though you. Marijuana also seems to be an effective aid like music in the dissolving of racial barriers because we put the surface or race(Aries) behind us(12th house) more when everyone is eating(Taurus). Taurus/Venus which represents money in it's lowest vibration is the energy used to control the masses simply because everyone needs to eat. Now if you put a money middle man between people and food then they will jump through whatever hoops you design to get what they are told is needed to get what is really matter(material) which is Venus. Venus is all about value so people determine their value based upon material which keeps them in a state of weakness, dependency and low self esteem. The spiritual function of Marijuana in this time is to aid you in breaking the money spell to shift your values from a fearful place of material insecurity to seeing the abundance of universal balance. This is why people smoke and it turns on their internal Fuck the system, Fuck these bills and Fuck this job switch. This occurs because spiritual beings don't have material fears and marijuana activates the Venus in Pisces energy. This brings the spiritual value system to the fore as you appreciate just feeling good regardless of what you have or don't have. I am of the mind that it has been and will continue to be instrumental in self medicating to survive and escape the illusion of the control system. This has kept a people detached from nature connected with the spiritual essence of nature. These factors in addition to the expansion of consciousness and medicinal applications are why it has been so heavily outlawed. Marijuana is quickly becoming the new gold rush as prohibition gives way to profit. Gold represents the sun and when in Taurus that energy is used a form of currency since Taurus represents value and money. Interestingly enough the Green Gold seems to be following the same trail as the 1800's when the gold rush that began in California led way to the Colorado Gold rush. As the legal landscape changes and those who have imprisoned many for it become wealthier for the same actions on a grander scale we will see like music the takeover of what was once banned. At one time slaves couldn't dance their dances and sing their songs. Now those songs and dances are a billon dollar industry aimed at destroying those who created it. This is because like any tool it can be used for good or ill depending on whose hands it is in and what their intentions are. Thus it is important that to maintain control of this tool you must be disciplined and balanced in overcoming the negative aspects of the Taurus bull before you find yourself worshipping the golden calf even deeper under someone's spell. Though it aids in a journey of self discovery it is one that should come with spiritual guidance. Like music we are talking about something that has been brought out of its natural context because both are spiritual practices viewed by most through a solely recreational or business lens. You will find the greatest benefits reveal themselves when things are used in accordance with their natural purpose so be imaginative, creative and equally disciplined and productive enough to cast your own magic. 420 comes everyday and I personally like to recognize my own awareness in my consideration of anything I partake in so to add the 1 or knowledge makes it 421. Supreme mathematically 421 is Culture, Wisdom Knowledge which equals 7 the numerical representation of balance, harmony and the divine. It is important to regain control of our cultural practices so we may apply them with wisdom and knowledge. Simply put it is the wise cultural application of what you know. The following day of 4/22 is earth day and Taurus is the first earth sign. 421 is an ongoing celebration of the satisfaction of life, peace, health and harmony. It is a boost of appreciation for the natural Taurean qualities and a great time to share in the spiritual wealth as the grass is no longer green on either side but is now a sacrament inhaled and exhaled between us as one breathe of divine consciousness. Download the song 421 pre-order the upcoming album and learn while you burn.

Kiwi popsicle

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